Monday, June 25, 2007

One Word- Sit

A position in which we relax. Who is sitting in your space today?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

One Word- Soap

A product we use to help us clean. Find soap in your space today.

** I love my little soap dish.**

Saturday, June 23, 2007

One Word- Write

To make marks with a pencil , paint or ink. Show us writing in your space.

**Ok, so i have this list of things i want to do at some point in my life. Some of these things are completely out of my element, but that's the reason i want to do them. Most are things i have never done, while some are things i want to do again. Some are easy things like going to a certain place, but others are more symbolic. This picture shows a few of them. I purposely framed the shot as to cut off the list in both directions.. after all, it is mine. :p

Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Evening

So i had dinner with my dad tonight and then hung out back at the house for a while. We played with the dog, watered the flowers, and sat out on the patio for a while. Here are some pictures that came out well.

That is my dog Coco. She's so silly. She was running around the yard this evening, all hyper and smiling. The kitty on the wall is Buster. He lives next door. It would have been terrible to miss the opportunity to get this shot.

This was just something i saw that caught my eye. I was sitting on the patio and just looked up.

Some flower shots. The back yard is in full bloom right now, so there is a lot of plants and such to catch on camera. These just came out well- focused as well as overall nice composition and detail.

One Word- Straight

Moving or extending in only one direction. Show us straight in your space today.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

One Word- Tea

A drink with jam and bread, that will bring us back to Doh, oh, oh,oh. You must have tea in your space - show!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

One Word- Press

To compress, extract, squeeze, urge and manufacture. How do you see Press in your space?

I couldn't decide which one to go with. I think the first one is a unique angles, but the second one conveys the idea quite clearly. And i think the second one is clearer. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My paseo walk over the weekend

So i was feeling photographic and went for a walk around my dad's house, on the paseos. For those of you who aren't familiar with the paseos, they are simply pathways that go through the housing tracks. I am starting my summer photography course this week, and wanted to post my favorites pictures from my walk as my warm up for the class. I took composition, positioning and angles into consideration when shooting. I like trees and odd angles. Shadows play an excellent role. I likes contrasts in color as well as shape and direction. I try to see things, and show things, that most people miss, but i guess that's what makes me an artist.

One Word- Milk

A creamy white liquid nutrient provided by animals. Have you got milk in your space?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

One Word- Berry

A small fruit with a stone or seeds. Show us a berry in your space today.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

One Word- Hat

A cover for the head to keep it dry and warm. Find one in your space today.

Friday, June 15, 2007

One Word- Shell

A thin protective cover for an animal or egg. Show us 'shell' in your space.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

One Word- Boat

A small vessel propelled by water. Find one in your space today.
**Those are seashells**

One Word- Hand

The end of an arm. Show us a hand in your space today.

One Word- Tired

In need of rest. Show us tired in your space.

Giving in..

Ok. I caved. I created my very own blog. Is this possible? The one girl absolutely refusing to create a myspace profile, rebelling against the fad of internet diaries, has given in? What is this world coming to? Apparently one where Char has a blog. *-* Alright, enough. Moving on.