Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One Word- Print

To produce in large quantities by mechanical process. Find 'print' in your space today.
**This is a floor plan i've been working on at my job. Looks like a puzzle!**

One Word- Cake

A soft, sweet food. Find 'cake' in your space today.

One Word- SOS #3

SOS #3
**Another Getty picture. It's just awesome looking.**

One Word- SPS#3

Self Portrait Saturday #3

One Word- Talk

To converse or communicate. Show us 'talk' in your space today.

One Word- Feast

**To Be Inserted Soon!**

A large meal or a plentiful supply, show us 'feast' in your space today.

One Word- Hold

To grasp, carry or support with your hands. Find 'hold' in your space.

Monday, September 3, 2007

One Word- Thoughtful

Absorbed in or involving thought. Show us 'thoughtful' in your space today.
**These are all of my thoughts... my journals, sketchbook and some things that are objects and symbols of what i think about. I am thought-full!**

One Word- Fall

To move downwards rapidly. Show us 'fall' in your space today.
**I thought this was cool. Guess we have a tree theme today! Can you see how the branch is falling?**

One Word- SOS#2

Sunset about 2 months ago.. i tried adjusting the image, but i'm still new at it. I still think it's an interesting shot though!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

One Word- SPS #2

Ok, so i'm still getting used to having to take pictures of myself.. i'm always the one behind the camera, and this is helping me to come out of my shell. Not the best pic, but still a pic.
But i'm proud of this one because, as you can see, i'm wearing jeans. Jeans that i haven't been able to wear(because they were too small) since April of 2006!! Ironically, they are even baggy in the legs.. but not in the hips. Isn't that just the luck? Nonetheless, my weight loss is still going strong, and this proves it! *Cheers for Char!!!*

One Word- Chew

To bite and grind with the teeth. Find 'chew' in your space today.

One Word- Dish

A shallow bowl or radio antenna. Find 'dish' in your space.

One Word- Cloud

A mass of water vapour. Show us 'cloud' in your space today.
**Couldn't decide again.. so you get double the clouds!**

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

One Word- Apple

A red or green fruit from a tree. Show us 'apple' in your space today.

Monday, August 27, 2007

One Word- Sun

An object that gives light and warmth. Find 'sun' in your space today.

One Word- Show Off Sunday

This was taken at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. I really like the composition of this photograph and the different lines that are created. Hope you like it too!

One Word- Self Portrait Saturday

The first SPS. Not sure how i'm going to do with these, but i'm sure we'll find out!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

One Word- Stone

A hard solid mineral. Show us 'stone' in your space today.
**I'm a huge collector of crystals and gemstones. In this picture, you can see Citrine, hematite, jasper, tiger eye, moonstone, sodalite, agate, amethyst, quartz and many others!**

One Word- White

The palest colour and sign of purity. Find 'white' in your space today.

One Word- Friend

A person you know particularly well. Show us 'friend' in your space today.

One Word- Wet

Covered or saturated with water. Find 'wet' in your space today.

One Word- Plant

A green living organism. Show us a 'plant' in your space today.

One Word- Can

A container for food or liquid. Show us 'can' in your space today.

One Word- Fly

To move through the air. Find 'fly' in your space.
**Can you see the bird? He's getting ready to take off, i know it...**

One Word- Lock

A mechanism for keeping something closed that is operated by a key. Show us a lock in your space today.

One Word- Chop

**Pic to be inserted soon!**

To cut into small pieces. Find chop in your space.

One Word- Window

An opening in the wall, filled with glass. Show us a window in your space today.

One Word- Pasta

An Italian food made from dough. Find pasta in your space today.

One Word- Drive

To operate a vehicle. Show us drive in your space today.

One Word- Thread

A long strand of fibres. Find one in your space today.

One Word- Down

To fall to the ground. What moves down in your space?
**I liked both of these and couldn't decide. **

One Word- Double

Two of the same thing. Find double in your space today.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

One Word- Earring

A little something to adorn the ear. Find one in your space today.
**What... too many? :)

One Word- City

A busting place to hang out, meet friends and enjoy. Show us a city near your space.
**This was the metro stop in Chinatown in Los Angeles. See all the buildings in the distance?

One Word- Eyes

The window to the soul, which eyes are watching in your space today ?

Monday, August 6, 2007

One Word- Bloom

A period of greatest beauty, find 'bloom' in your space today.
*Ok, so this is a bit of a cheat. But if they were real, they'd be gorgeous!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

One Word- Fat

Something a little rounder than it could be. Find fat in your space.
*So that's Billy Bug, my giant ant pillow. Doesn't he look so comfy?

Downtown LA Trip (July 14th, 2007)

This was at the Cathedral in downtown LA. I actually liked how the water was frozen in time because it gives it an interesting look being on a wall.

In the corner of the fountain was this tiny, flourishing plant. Hidden from most people's site, i found it, and decided to remember it.

More frozen water... doesn't it look like it's walking down the steps?

This was in Chinatown, one of the side streets.

This was on the ground at the Metro stop in ChinaTown. I love this shot.

Union Station. Something about the symmetry of this grabbed me. And i love Union Station.

Another classic shot inside of Union Station. Just beautiful!

Outside view of Union station. Again, just classic.

This donkey was just outside the entrance to Olvera Street. Too funny NOT to take a picture of! He is kinda cute isnt he?

An outdoor area behind a church, across from Olvera Street. I loved the way the shadows of the canopies reflected on the ground. A beautiful, quaint little area.

A view of the street. I'm a fan of perspectives. This is a great example of one point perspective and repetition.

One side of the old firehouse building. Wonderful architecture and brickwork. I also liked the little lanterns overhead, the arched windows and the brickwork of the street.

Another lovely building. Look at the gorgeous arches of the windows and the details. The streetlights just add measures to the shot. Beautiful lines and perspective.

And that concludes my tour of Downtown LA! Hope you enjoyed the show! I took many digital shots, as shown, and also many shots with black and white film. Maybe one day if i can find time to scan the good ones, i'll post those as well.